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Thursday, July 29, 2010

circles, spirals and color.

Just got finished with my first class with the UCT capoeira club.

I couldn’t be happier. They are all reeeeally really really really good and super fit. It will definitely be a challenge for me, but I am incredibly thankful for Carcará’s superior training at the U of R. Even though almost everyone is better than me, I know that that actually just doesn’t matter at all. I’m going to be so good when I get back to Rochester. Back flip by December? Maybe…

Plus, I went to a free jazz show yesterday at the college of music. Just an alto sax and piano. If I could reduce life to two things, it would be capoeira and jazz, so yeah, my ears and body are both thanking me for pleasuring them so.

Not very many people wear tie dye here. I wore my brightest rainbow tie dye shirt to Stones last night and got a lot of really amusing positive attention for it. “Oh hey man, sporting the hippie vibe, cool!” It’s kind of goofy, but I met some pretty cool people as a result.

I had my first IES class today, the Environmental Management and Sustainable Development course. It is a pretty good group of people. It’s also kind of depressing, though. Devastating, actually. (learning about ecology and the ravaging of the environment, that is.) It’s okay though, that’s why we’re studying it as a subject and not just musing about it.

Two more things:

My favorite piece of South African lingo is definitely that they say, ‘Is it?’ for everything. It’s like in place of, ‘Is that so?’

“I lost my phone.”

“Is it?”


And lastly – if I die here, it’s going to be because I get hit by a car. I’m fairly optimistic that this won’t occur, but the scariest part of my day is absolutely crossing the street. The cross walks never turn ‘go’ and people drive somewhat maniacally.

On that note, going dancing is definitely in order for me soon. I can’t wait until it warms up more so I can do more outdoors things, too.

Here’s a quote from one of my readings:

“No one should have their creative or spiritual potential limited by expectations to conformity.” – Olive Schreiner

Cheers, vaya con dios.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jess -
    Following your adventure with much anticipation for the next interesting installment. There are several people at work who are also following. They may not be in your friends list but there are others paying attention. Sheep's head lunch??? Really? Wow!
    Kepp up the groovy life.
    love, The Grammy
